Some Onesie Funsie
I've always been a fan of the onesie, especially the 70s throwback styles. But not all onesies are alike: they can either look great or mega unflattering. I found this little silk black one two years ago at Aritzia. I liked that I could dress it up or down and wore it a lot that season. Then...not so much. I began to fear it, like much of my wardrobe, thanks to the extra lbs I had packed on. Now that I've worked my butt off (or a small portion of it) to get back to happy weight, I felt like I should try it again. Success! It fit. it flattering? Those are two very different things. I worried it was a smidge on the too-short side, so I paired it with these low heel Dolce Vita pink suede mules to make sure it didn't veer towards the slutty side.
Sidebar: The DV slides are a rare example of an item I have two of. I got the silver metallic ones (pictured several times on the blog already) in May and love them so much I recently bought their hot pink sister. I've been trying to add more color to my nude/brown/black shoe collection and thought these were a great (andon-sale for $49), non-bank-breaking way.
I found the black and white bucket bag at a Loeffler Randall sample sale two years ago. It was total mayhem, with women fighting over sandals and running around like possessed psychopaths, so I hid near the purses and found this little treasure.
Speaking of treasures, I wanted to give a shout to my 20 year college bestie Candice (Finn Jewelry) for some of my fave jewelry, these gold chains and my custom engagement ring and band. I live for her and these pieces are extra special since she made them.
OutFIT or LeaveIT?: I need some help on this one! Is it too short or inappropriate? I'll put it in the maybe pile (that I just for the meantime.