Skirting The Issue
Today my closet welcomed me back from Texas with open doors and limited options. I'm really starting to work through the racks! I got both this chunky knit sweater and ultra-suede skirt 2 years ago during one of my treasured shopping excursions (maybe "frenzies" is a better word?) with my bestie and fashion expert Jendel. She always tells me straight up—whether I like it or not—if something is a keeper or a ditcher. She loved these two pieces from the cute boutique in my neighborhood called Article& and especially loved them together. So I bought them, obviously.
The sweater? Worn it 20x, easily. The skirt? NOPE, NEVER. I feel like this is one of those pieces I like the idea of, but when it comes to wearing it I get into trouble. I'm glad I put them on today as I think the outfit is pretty chic and feels pulled-together yet unfussy. However finding shoes for the precarious hemline was no picnic. After about 5 shoe fails, I landed on these blush-colored booties I scored at a recent Rachel Comey sample sale. Still not sure I nailed it but it's better than bare feet, right?
OutFIT or LeaveIT?: The sweater is my BAE and I will continue to cherish it. The skirt gets to stay but I'm putting it on a contingency plan: If I don't wear it at least once more in the next 3 months, it's off to donation station.